How to Sell Diabetic Test Strips


Diabetes is a type of health condition that is requiring constant monitoring. Almost every diabetic ought to have a kit to test their blood sugar. Many receive supplies or buy varieties of test strip brands and after they've chosen one, the other boxes are abandoned that simply. The short lifespan of these test strips only means of dealing with growing selection of boxes with no use and should be disposed somehow. Oftentimes, this mean to throw the boxes in perfectly good condition to garbage.


As anyone who buys them knows, these diabetic test strips are quite expensive. Did you know that there are actually thousands of diabetics out there who have low incomes, lack of insurance, fixed income and desperately requiring these supplies? There are lots of organizations that are providing them with the supplies they need and you can take part in their efforts to be able to help others. For instance, you an unexpired strip containers or unopened containers, you can actually sell them in exchange of cash rather than tossing them.


Many of the diabetics are smart enough in keeping the boxes on hand in the event that they run low of supplies and long before they realize that they have more than what they really need. In case that you are receiving boxes regularly, then you might find that these unused boxes are piling up gradually. Perhaps, you're not testing quite often and you might have changed on the brand of test strips and still have the supply of the older ones sitting around. To learn more on how to sell diabetic test strips, you can visit


The question now is, is it legal to sell these boxes? Well as a matter of fact, these are completely legal so long as you are the owner of all of them. Anyone could buy the test strips even without presenting a doctor's prescription so long as you bought all the strips, you can sell diabetic test strips. Obviously, there are several things that you need to take into account like for example, not all brands of test strips are in demand in the market. So there will be some boxes that may not be bought easily and some that quickly became out of stock. On the other hand, so long as the brand is known, in great condition and has minimum of 6 months to expiration, you can sell test strips to others.


When it comes to selling the test strips, there are many sources where you can sell these to like in dealers who buys test strips and who accept brands they normally buy, other diabetic individuals and so on.